Press Release: European steel industry’s future lies in innovation

PRESS RELEASE -Strasbourg, 13. December 2012

European Steel Industry: Its future lies in innovation and sustainability

Today the European Parliament voted on a resolution on the European steel industry in order to address the crisis in the steel sector. Reinhard Bütikofer, industrial policy spokesperson of the Greens/EFA and Rapporteur on the industrial policy report for the European Parliament, declared:

“The crisis in the European steel industry is of great concern to many of our citizens. It impacts a great number of jobs and to deal with it is a strategic importance of the European economy.

This is why we, as Greens, have come together with other political groups in the European Parliament to promote an innovation-centred approach to this severe challenge. We do not want to fall for a protectionist strategy of subsidising European steel industry regardless. It is important that the steel industry would not withdraw from European shores but that can only be achieved by building its future competitiveness on the basis of enhanced sustainability.”